So Sayeth the Odinson: Top 10 Villains that Aren’t Super Villains: Part 1

Greetings from the Odinson,

Last week, the Odinson rounded out his latest list with Top 10 Heroes that Aren’t Super Heroes: Part 2.

Legendary pop culture heroes like Popeye and James Bond may not be identified by the genre of Super Hero, but the villains they face are every bit as dangerous and colorful as those in the Rogues Galleries of Batman and Spider-Man.  These evil-doers, these monsters and madmen, may not be classified as supervillains, but their villainous exploits are no less dastardly.

Top 10 Villains that Aren’t Super Villains: Part 1 

10 – The UndertakerDeadman walking.  For over two decades, there has been no more respected, revered, and feared combatant in the squared-circle than the colossus known simply as The Undertaker.  Standing nearly seven-feet tall with stone-hard skin, catlike agility, and incredible near superhuman strength, the Taker has used devastating moves like the choke-slam, “Old School,” and the Tombstone to cut a swath of destruction across the history of the WWE.  From Hulk Hogan to the Ultimate Warrior to Stone Cold Steve Austin, the undead man known as “The Phenom” has defeated every single contender that has dared to challenge his unholy power.  His bouts with the insane Mankind in the Hell in a Cell match (a no holds barred cage match) and his monstrous brother Kane in the Inferno match (the ring surrounded by fire) are the stuff of legend.  He’s been burned, beaten mercilessly by a mob, and buried alive, but, like a nightmarish phoenix, The Undertaker always rises from the ashes, darker, stronger, and more devastating than before.  His unprecedented 20-year win streak at WrestleMania is an unbelievable feat that will never be broken.

9 – King GhidorahNo plane can fly that fast.  That looked to me like it was from another planet…  With three heads of terror, this alien titan from beyond the stars is the most powerful kaiju of them all.  Standing over four-hundred feet tall, Ghidorah’s massive dragon-like wings allow him to fly at super-sonic speeds and create hurricane-force winds when they flap.  Each of its snake-like heads can spew bolts of lightning that can fell opponents and demolish skyscrapers.  It is said that King Ghidorah is indestructible.  So powerful is this monster that it takes the combined might of the most legendary kaiju – Mothra, Rodan, and Godzilla – just to contain him.  Whether he is known as Ghidorah, Ghidrah, Monster Zero, or the Dragon King, King Ghidorah is one kaiju where a “blazing-sword” just isn’t going to cut it.

8 – Jason Voorheeski-ki-ki-mah-mah-mah…  He is the infamous hockey mask-wearing stalker of Camp Crystal Lake.  As a child, due to neglectful camp counselors, Jason drowned.  For the next decade, his vengeful mother made it her mission to punish the camp and anyone who visited it for this transgression.  After Mrs. Voorhees met with her demise at the hands of a would-be victim, Jason took on the family business of revenge.  At first, Jason was a demented hillbilly, but after his death and subsequent resurrection, due to errant lightning, he has become a walking juggernaut of death and mayhem.  His weapon of choose is the machete, but from simple cooking utensils to standard gardening tools, anything and everything is a lethal instrument of murder in the hands of Jason.  He is seemingly unstoppable, unkillable.  Nothing can stand in his way of killing absolutely everything and everyone that crosses his path – not police, not boxers, not bikers, not hunters, not girls with psychic powers, not cyborgs, not even his fellow slasher Freddy Kruger can stop him.  Death can’t even stop him, only slow him down.  He always comes back, deadlier than ever.  For over three decades, Jason Voorhees has cut a swath of terror in and around Crystal Lake, the Big Apple, the dreamworld, and even in outer space.  He is the King of the Slashers.


7 – SkynetOn August 29th, 1997…anybody not wearing two-million sunblock is going to have a real bad day…  More sinister than the Daleks, more diabolical than Ultron, more terrifying than The Matrix, Skynet is an artificial intelligence hell-bent on eradicating the disease known as mankind off the face of the earth forever.  Its first attempt to exterminate humans happened when Skynet simultaneously launched every single nuclear warhead on the planet.  This brought mankind to the verge of extinction.  Then, Skynet created hunter/killer machines known as Terminators to sweep across the globe and finish the job.  However, a human resistance, led by John Connor, fought back and even threatened to defeat the machines.  A sore loser, Skynet concocted its most diabolical scheme yet. To insure its victory over man, Skynet sent Terminators back through time to key moments in the past.  First, in 1984, Skynet sends a T-800, a cyborg assassin, to exterminate Sarah Connor, John’s mother, thus preventing its greatest enemy from ever being born.  Next, in 1995, Skynet sent a T-1000, a more advanced Terminator, to assassinate Connor himself.  Finally, Skynet sends a T-X, an even more advanced Terminator, to 2004 to assassinate all the resistance leaders, including John Connor, that play a part in its demise in the future.  Thanks to the heroic efforts and sacrifices of Kyle Reece, Sarah Connor, and a reprogrammed T-800, Skynet’s efforts to alter human history have failed.  But Skynet is a clever A.I. and always seemingly one step ahead of its human adversaries.  How long before is resurfaces once again to plague mankind?

6 – The Queen of Blades I am the Swarm…worlds will burn.  As a human, Sarah Kerrigan was a Ghost, an elite assassin with cloak tech and psychic abilities.  However, after being infested by the zerg, Kerrigan was transformed into the Queen of Blades, the immensely powerful ruler of the Swarm, a vast army of alien creatures with the ability to adapt, to survive, to kill, to conquer.  The Queen of Blades can fly, regenerate lost limbs, is super strong, and fast.  Kerrigan’s already considerable psionics have been amplified to demi-godlike levels.  The Swarm is a hive-mind under the complete control of its queen and its constantly hatching numbers are countless.  The Swarm, under the command of the Queen of Blades, has washed over the galaxy and is responsible for the deaths of billions. It is all the terran armies of the Dominion and the zealot nations of the alien Protoss can do just to contain the encroaching zerg.  The Queen of Blades is a genocidal threat on par with the Dark Phoenix and Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds.

Now that’s an auspicious start to a truly notorious list of infamous evildoers.  Tune in next week when the Odinson rounds out this list with the Top 5.  Who will top the list?  Here’s a hint: the conqueror, the warlock, the commander, the vampire, and the dark lord of the Sith.

This is Odinson bidding thee farewell

About Odinson

I am a lifelong comics fan and pop culture enthusiast. Comic books, novels, games, television, movies, I love it all. From fantasy to science fiction, drama to comedy, as long as the writing and execution are interesting, I love it, and I want to talk about it.

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